Monday, February 24, 2014

24 Feb. 2014 - and also the last week

So this week was pretty good. We're finally getting stuff organized, getting to know the members, the sector, how things work here. It's a lot of work. And missions are too. I would like to add my voice to the voice of all those who came before me and say that this is not a vacation. This is a fulltime job. Monday to Sunday. Wake up, study and prepare, work, strengthen the members, work, study, work, and go to sleep. The same pattern every day. It's hard. But taking it one day at a time is the only way to do it. 

This week I had "chinese" and "indian-like" food! The chinese food consisted of rice with beef and overcooked bean sprouts. The indian food was chicken and rice made with curry powder. Great!! I was so excited!!! Food is often on my mind. Food is delicious. And I only want stuff that isn't chilean. EXCEPT pastel de zapallo italiano. It's like a cassarole ish thing of zucchinni deliciousness! We had it last week. I'm hooked on it! And we're having it again this friday!!!

This week we had a mini cambio. I went with Hermana Call to her sector (Collao). It was great! One of the less actives in her sector was ordained as a priest yesterday! WOOHOO!!! Jason, he's awesome.

I also realized this week that when working towards a goal, the numbers aren't important. Only the effort you put in is important. The numbers are indicators of where your effort is going and if you're getting results from the effort.

These last two weeks we had 2 close encounters with a drunk. The story we were told of this drunk is that he was enamored/in love with a sister missionary and then she left and he got drunk and stays that way. So we were warned. Then last last week we had a close encounter. Him yelling after us "helderes helderes" So we booked it to the closest member's house. Then this last week there he was again. So we once again booked it faster to the closest member's house. Moral of the story, don't drink. It's bad for you and then people just want to run away.

Blessings don't come until after the trial of your faith. BTW for all of you wondering if that is really true. It is. Some days you don't want to work. Some weeks feel like nothing is happening. But in reality the times of struggle make blessings that much more worth it. Like yesterday. I didn't want to go work, because I wanted to take a break on Sunday, but we went out. And as soon as I start sharing my testimony I am happy! And then at the end of the night we visited a reference with a member and BOOM 2 new investigators.

I would also like to stress at this moment in time the importance of working as a member without the missionary badge. The BEST investigators come through members. So if there is a non member or less active be their friend 1st to be their friend and 2nd introduce them to the missionaries and support them in whatever choice they make. Yesterday in church, Elder Ferreira of the seventy (who is in my ward) chastized the members for not working enough with the missionaries. The work of the Lord is progressing quickly!!! He needs an army!!! It's like in the end of Alma. All the wars. This is that war! We need support from the inside out. Without shedding of blood, only defend and add to our defenses. Constantly reinforcing. ALWAYS relying on God. Because He is our strength and guide. He has a plan much greater than we have for ourselves. Sometimes it hurts. Those war chapters say that not one of the 2000 stripling warriors died in some, BUT they were all wounded. Meaning that this is going to take effort.

Fight the fight that was started in the premortal existence. It is worth it! First save your soul, then help others. One by one. I have heard so frequently that this is a battle. And it is. And we know who will be the victor! So why not join His team.

Haz lo justo,
Hna. Jennings

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