Monday, February 3, 2014

New Happenings

Hola amigos! I finally get a pday! I didn`t get to email last week because field pday was different than mtc pday.... Sad day. so news from Chile.

So this week was hectic. My compaƱera is Hermana Aguero with the dots above the u so that it makes a gwua sound. She is from Lima, Peru and has been out for almost 14 months. We`re opening a sector, Villa Nonguen. It`s small / big. Our apartment is a 30 minute walk from the chapel.... yup it`s fun but we also take the Micro/bus sometimes. which is a ton of money! about 1 american dollar each ride. It`s okay for long trips but short ones it seems pointless.I want american food. I wasn`t prepared well to eat chicken with the bones mom. Start Haley, Eliza, and Noele now. Yup it`s pretty different. But I`m in the "city" a rural ish suburb. We live in a new apartment with 2 other sisters in our district. It`s nice. We have a kitchen and washer so we can do clothes any day of the week. Woohoo.

Monica and I are in the same zone! We`ve had a bit of time to catch up and talk. It`s nice. Today we hiked an hour to go to a beach as a zone. I know that the Lord looks out for us because I really need Monica right now.

Oh I also met another sister jennings at the MTC. She was visiting the temple with some of their investigators. From Georgia. So maybe we`re related who knows! 

I miss my bed, pillow, I even slightly miss the snow. Um, why does everyone ask about your family? I feel like this is the time right now that I want to forget how fantastic they are so I can focus, but since when did that work? I definitely miss english. the other 2 hermanas I live with are American so I can speak to them in English and they can translate for me if I can`t figure out how to say something. I want to break down a lot, but I don't because I just have to work. Yup. We don`t really have any investigators because the sister missionaries are new in this ward. Everyone is so excited to have sister missionaries. They haven`t had sister missionaries for at least 10 years. I forgot to bring a computer cord for my camera. So no pictures this week. Monica says there is a Nikon store in the mall but we have to get permission to go there. She needs a new cord too. She lost hers. This internet cafe is hilarious. almost every computer is occupied  by a missionary. 

Opening a district is hard. But being rejected is easier in spanish than english! It`s not so personal. And 1/3 of the time I don`t know what they`re saying. Sunday I played piano in Sacrament meeting. The pianist went on vacation without telling anyone and so I went up and played. Yup. And then me and my comp got asked to prepare a musical number. Yup. That`s right! Already.

I really am grateful for the Gospel. We meet people everyday that I think could feel so much better if they had the Gospel. It`s amazing. I`m grateful to my family for being so awesome and supportive. I wouldn`t be able to do this without them. Nor my Savior. You definitely grow closer to the Savior on the mission. Heavenly Father always hears you. Always. Period. End of discussion. Some days are better than others, but in the end, everyday you can turn to the Lord and he will help you in the way that he sees best.

So much for short emails Karalee. Haha! And congrats to Devin Fuller!!!! RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!

Cioa... how do you spell that in spanish? haha!
Hna. Jennings

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Natalie Anne Jennings<>wrote:
Pues estoy en Chile.

1. I have a placa!!!!! I´m a missionary.
2. It´s summer
3. It´s gorgeous like Santa Barbara gorgeous
4. The Gospel of Christ is true.
5. Drivers in Chile are crazy!!! The ride from the airport was.... wow!

The CCM here is great. It's warm outside, but too cold inside with the Air Conditioning. Oh this week was great!!! and bad... let´s just say lots of tears have been shed between me and Hermana Hurtado. We miss our families. And for me spanish is still hard. But it´s getting better. I can´t write and listen at the same time.

Yesterday my district saw me at a very crazy and high energy. So me! Pretty much. My district helps me understand spanish. It´s great! They slow down for me and repeat 2-7 times and change words, but it´s coming. 

Learning the Gospel in spanish is the hardest part. I have EVERTHING in english and spanish. Today I need to go buy scriptures in spanish. 

Oh I´m so excited to write today!!!! You can hear everyone typing away to try and type to everyone as fast as possible.

My compaƱera es Hna. Hurtado. Ella es de Chile. And I don´t have any pictures because I forgot to bring my camera to the computer lab. I am in an AMAZING district. District 1. And it´s a Latino district. Yup that´s right. I´m Latina.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I´m the furthest thing from white as possible. They all speak SUPER slow for me. Closer to about 80 beats per minute for you music people. It´s awesome. Son de Las Vegas, Colombia, Chile, y Mexico.

Even though things are hard, I can fee the Spirit every day. There are times that it´s harder because of what´s going on around me but I can feel the spirit. I love you all. I love this Gospel. And I´m excited to learn the Gospel better each day. And I have a year and a half to do that. I´m going to make a TON of mistakes, but I will know my Saviour. My 1st favorite scripture is John 16:33 and my 2nd favorite which is now my theme is Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understandings." It´s true. Do it.

Hna. Jennings

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